Author of Madam, Have You Ever Really Been Happy? An Intimate Journey through Africa and Asia

Lessons Learned

It was a glorious holiday season this year, my first on Whidbey Island in quite some time. This is about my special tree, because that’s what it was!

Daughters Martha and Cary found three “volunteer” trees that were growing right at the edge of the parking lot, and would get much too big. We selected 2 fir and 1 cedar and bunched them together in one pot to make a fun assemblage of conifers.

These are the thoughts that came to me as I contemplated the aging tree, several weeks into the New Year.

My slowly-leaning Christmas tree is telling me a story
About the way our life plays out, its sadness and its glory;
The mys-ter-ies unfolding every moment of the day,
If only we’d embrace them, vow to put our fears at bay.

Just like my special tree I am a creature of the realm
Whose fir and cedar branches stand for action at the helm;
The action lasts for years until its strength begins to wane
And suddenly the branches sag and life becomes a bane.

I watch the branches leaning ever lower in the morning;
This is my lesson, stay awake, and heed this simple warning:
The time has come to say goodbye to tired and useless ways,
Embrace a new beginning, let the light fill up your days.

Accept what you can do, and what you can’t will fade away,
Take optimism from the shelf, put new ideas in play.
Perhaps you’ll never climb another Himalayan peak,
But look around in gratitude, your world is wide, unique.

Stay tuned for pictures and tales of this memorable family gathering.




  1. Carole O

    Meg, your Christmas tree reflection is so you are, my friend. I can only imagine the fun you all had creating your tree! I love hearing the adventures about you and your family!!How I miss seeing you..
    Carole O

  2. Ruth W Abel

    Right on Meg, you said it well. I’m glad you had such a great family gathering over Christmas.

  3. All goodness and Light, dear Meg!
    Happy New Year!!!
    with Love,
    Nancy XO

  4. Ani Choetso

    Meg I loved your poem, blessings and gratitude! Much rejoicing in your strength, inspiration and infectious enthusiasm! Precious memories of our (you, Cary and yours truly) time in Nepal…

  5. Denise Merritt

    simply beautiful, Meg.

  6. Jennifer Townsend

    It would be impossible not to be moved by the wisdom in your beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing it.

  7. Sandie Miller

    I have a friend who is 91, and all she talks about is being insignificant and invisible, and it drives me crazy. One can choose to be insignificant and invisible I suppose, but one can choose not to be as well.

  8. Lynn Rubright

    Oh! I so identify with this dear gerry rigged adopted trio…of hopeful hopeless misfits who haplessly volunteered in good faith to settle at the driveways edge. .roots mashed together
    Entangled – upholding one another – interwoven for strength and comfort. Clinging
    Trusting ….. and then they were Miraculously adopted by a trio of compassionate
    Tree lovers. Sacrificed and reincarnated!
    Rescued in the season of saving! In the name of LOVE! Glowingly attired – wilting
    Leisurely. .. in the fullness of time. I am sister to this sweet trilogy as it fades.

  9. Barry Hamilton

    I love this, Meg. It’s sweet and uplifting, an inspiration. This and a good night’s sleep and I can face the world tomorrow.
    And also, I love you.

  10. mully

    what a lovely limmerick Meg. It is you…..and you and the tree….I love the tree and I love you! mully

  11. Gary A. Calvino

    Thanks, I needed that

  12. Meg, this came at a perfect time in my life, thank you!

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