Author of Madam, Have You Ever Really Been Happy? An Intimate Journey through Africa and Asia

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Our day began at 9:45 AM …

Our day began at 9:45 AM with the famous train ride up to Myrdal to see an enormous waterfall. I remembered that I had taken this same trip with Lynn Rubright in 1983. On the way we saw some outstanding waterfalls with a free fall of 500 ft. or more. Then we slowly chugged upward, overlooking a deep valley, until we arrived at 2500 ft. I saw the usual red houses with wooden roof tiles laid in a teardrop pattern.

We changed trains and headed for Voss, going down to 150 ft. Voss is a lovely town with centuries old churches and an ancient cross from 1000 AD on a grass mound behind the post office. I also came upon a plaque in honor of Knut Rockne, the football coach at Nore Dame in the 30’s. I took a picture for my soon-to-be-son-in-law, Gary Shippy. He’s a proud Notre Dame graduate (is there any other kind?).

It started to rain, so we ducked into a nearby café where I decided on the Norwegian “special.” Holy calories, Bat Man! A huge, fatty lunch arrived on the arm of a blond Viking. Fried potato/wheat balls, a kind of mashed turnip swimming in butter, a fat sausage, and lamb shanks garnished with bacon bits. But Gullvi’s BLT was even bigger! Fortified, we waddled off to our next bus ride, which began with a famous mile of highway boasting 13 hairpin turns. It was very narrow and amazing how the driver negotiated each turn. And it was scary! Needless to say, there were numerous waterfalls along the way. It would take more superlatives than I know to describe the beauty of the landscape that unfolded on this trip. It started to rain gently as we got to a level area and from behind the mountains came a stunning rainbow covering the entire sky. It ended in one of the man lakes we passed. I tried, but failed to get a photo, but the scene will remain in my mind forever.

It was 6:15 when we arrived in Godvagen and boarded the ferry which took us on the Naroy fjord, the narrowest branch of the Sognefjord. What we saw from our perch on the upper deck was a microcosm of every type of Norwegian scenery, from tiny churches and villages along a green coast to shining slabs of rock and high, rounded hills rising directly from the water’s edge. We watched the changing panorama, frustrated because it was just too vast and too high to capture on film. We froze as we watched the sun set and the sky become black, a perfect backdrop for a surfeit of stars. I was glad for my Peruvian hat and mittens.

By 9 we had reached the small town of Kaupanger. We were taken to our pensione, a charming white clapboard house owned by a widow who specialized in growing every conceivable variety of flower. The place was a riot of color. The young couple who picked us up graciously let us stop at an old stave church close by and wander through the cemetery, before taking us to a Shell station where we could buy some bread, ham, and cheese for dinner. How incongruous! The next morning we were thrilled to see the inside of the same church, along with several other stave churches in this part of Norway.(click here for pictures)

No sun screen today!

No sun screen today! We elected to do the “high route” after much discussion with hikers. There is a very steep section where metal wires are put on both sides to aid in the descent. But I wasn’t scared, even though many places were reminiscent of the Himalayas—narrow trails next to crevasses, where a misstep could have been disastrous. One beautiful stretch was next to a river, where the path was so cramped that at times you had to duck under huge black rocky overhangs. Then the wind came up. It was ferocious…blowing straight down the river and nearly toppling us. I literally ran, trying to beat the rain and glad for my pack as ballast. My pants billowed and I was bent forward. The wind made waves on the wide river. Waterfalls were streaming down from the mountains at every turn. It was amazing!

By the time we’d passed five more summer bridges, one of which was at the bottom of a six-tired waterfall, it was raining steadily. The force of tons of water crashing from hundreds of feet above gave off a spray reminiscent of Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. I was entranced, but the weather prodded me on. We had to watch our feet at all times, but would have loved to spend more time gaping at the rock walls and the spectacular views.

The last two hours were interesting, since we passed several very old farms and one goat farm, Sinjarheim, which had not been opened all year because of a disease among the goats.

As we climbed lower there were meadows of flowers, birches, and ferns. We finished the 15 miles trek by 5 PM and reached a dirt road lined with ripe raspberries. But there was little time to pick them if we were to catch the bus to our next stop, Flam.

Before leaving Vossbygdi we talked with the man who runs the small kiosk (barn-red like most of the houses) at the tiny bus station. He told us that 12,000 people go over the mountains and through the valley each summer. I kidded him for not having soft ice cream and he said that the government regulations for cleanliness and inspection make it too difficult, because the season is so short. Just as we were leaving we got into politics, as usual. His parting words to us were, “How on earth did Bush win again?” The word gets around.

What a wonderful, jolly ride we had to Flam. The bus driver gave us a special rate, the bus was luxurious as they all seem to be in Norway, and the scenery was glorious. We found a hotel, The Heimly Pensjonat, just as dusk was settling in. Flam is on a branch of the main fjord, (the Sognefjord), named the Aurland. Our room had a balcony that looked out at the fjord and the mountains beyond, which formed a V-shaped notch. Large boats were dotting the harbor and we watched as they laboriously turned around and sailed off into the mist. How great to sleep in a bed with real sheets and take a shower in a bathroom with a warmed floor. And have breakfast included in the price!

After a marvelous breakfast …

After a marvelous breakfast we started out in dampness and fog. Though the hike was only about 8 miles, it took us over 5 hours because of the treacherous footing. The rocks were wet and slippery, it rained intermittently, and we had to make our way up a very steep trail through bushes and trees, before facing more brooks and waterfalls. Water was everywhere! The overhanging rocks were black and looked like layers of pancakes. I tried without success to photograph the high rock walls beside the narrow trail, and the precipitous fall to the valley below. We followed the water or looked down on it from above. The climbing was wondrously varied and I loved it! Now and then we’d stop near a cave or under an overhang to get out of the drizzle. By then we had donned our rain pants and covered our packs. But mostly we kept up a steady pace over endless flat rocks. You could always hear the waterfall, but not see it until you’d come down a ledge or two and look over…and there it was, thundering down the chasm.

At Osterbo we settled into our hut and enjoyed a sumptuous meal of lamb and veggies served by a delightful Romanian girl—black skirt, crisp white blouse, broad smile.

(click here for pictures)

This was an incredible, challenging day!

This was an incredible, challenging day! Perfect weather with lots of river crossings and lots of snow. We walked ten miles, arriving at Geiterygghytta (hytta means hut) at 4 PM. We kept meeting the same groups, from Holland, Sweden, and an American with her Norwegian cousin, as we crisscrossed the winter ice fields and the striated remnants of glaciers. Snowfields were steep—the kind where you wished you had an ice axe, but settled for digging your heels in like mad and praying. We stopped for lunch, but the rocks were unforgiving. We were unaware that just around the corner was one small meadow, already discovered by the Dutch!

The sun was hot and blinding as we worked our way through fields of boulders, reminiscent of Mt. Washington’s summit, and across swollen, rushing streams, many without even an old plank for a bridge. Fortunately, I am blessed with good balance and the ability to jump (not tall buildings at a single leap, but fairly good-sized streams).

We were lucky to have a room to ourselves and a view of still another lake. This was a much more rustic and isolated cabin than last night, and boasted a family of gray foxes that lived under the porch. Out came the cameras! I wandered down a road and discovered a series of five waterfalls. The last one was mesmerizing…tumbling first right, then left, and creating two separate foaming cascades which continued down the mountain.

Tonight was my first experience eating elk patties. And my last, I hope!

(click here for pictures)

We’re off to Norway …

We’re off to Norway, grabbing the flygbuss to the airport and leaving at 5 PM for Oslo. By 6 PM we were speeding on a modern train to central station where Dag Arne, Gullvi’s charming nephew picked us up. This is one amazing person—an electrical engineer by profession, but a major athlete in areas like technical climbing and hang gliding. He showed us a movie of hang gliding in Nepal, which he’d shot from a paraglider. Scared me to death, but it was fantastic!

Dag Arne and his partner, Annika, live on a small island twenty minutes from Oslo. Their house is surrounded by native trees and an extensive garden of flowers and edible plants, plus a greenhouse for the storage of 35 varieties of exotic plants. Their two children, Daniel, almost three and Lasse, 10 months, are adorable blonds who made me think of two of my boys (those Scandinavian genes are strong!).

Just before we left the next morning, Annika wrapped Lasse in a winter outfit and took him out for his nap in the carriage on the porch. She put an electronic speaker in the carriage, and covered him with a blanket and mosquito netting, assuring us that he sleeps well in the cool, crisp air. This is done all over Norway, even at 20 below, she assured me. Shades of hardy Vikings, is what came to mind. (click here for pictures)

At 10:30 AM we caught the train for Bergen, winding our way uphill through rocky hills until we’d reached the high plateau, Hardangervidda, which means vast land. Many lakes and fjords dotted the landscape, but there were very few trees by the time we reached our destination, Finsl (about 4,000 ft.) It was rather bleak as we headed for the hostel, but the sun came out about 5, glistening on the lake and creating a perfect reflection of the building and the mountains. We noticed lots of bicyclists who were using the trail that had originated with the men who built the railway years ago. In the distance we saw a glacier, on which there are daily excursions.

The prices of these hostels and the excellent food they serve are high, but I knew this ahead of time, so I just closed my eyes, handed over my credit card, and didn’t complain. And the accommodations are far more luxurious than anything I was used to in the White Mountains. After dinner we went down to the shore to watch the sunset, all white light and shades of gray.

The political discussion that evening, as with most subsequent evenings, was depressing for an American. Nothing but criticism about the war and our government’s policies. I was in total agreement, and as an informal ambassador for the U.S., I let them know that there were many, like me, who strongly objected to our policies. (click here for pictures)

I explored one section …

I explored one section of the meandering lake and returned to the Abisko River Canyon, mesmerized as I watched it cascade into the tunnel under the bridge. There were dozens of trails and excursions posted at the main tourist office, but we had a train to catch. Just as we were leaving the hostel we bumped into Kim and Bo. “I knew we’d meet, again,” I said. “You’re just following us to be sure we don’t get lost.” How we laughed.

At 12:55 P.M. we boarded the train for Boden. It was the old Connex line, but that didn’t matter, for we were glued to the window watching views of the many lakes and the forest–gnarled birches and weather-beaten pines that had survived the bitter winter of the far north. At 6:30 P.M. we transferred to another train and deposited our packs in our sleeping compartments. I was with five Swedish girls and Gullvi was with four Swedish men. Everything is very unisex here. We spent most of the evening lingering in the dining car. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the maneuvering of two energetic ladies taking orders, preparing, serving, and handling the money for the entire car. They were amazing—and so patient and friendly. I settled for a known quantity…Swedish meatballs, potatoes, and lingonberries. I thoroughly enjoyed my compartment mates and the little touches like boxes of fresh water left on each bunk. Far better than chocolates, since I had run out water. Sleep was sound despite the flashing of bright lights on the platform whenever we reached a station. At 7 A.M. Gullvi woke me with the caveat, “Hurry, Meg, we reach Stockholm in twenty minutes.” Groggy and unkempt I staggered off the train and in fifteen minutes we were walking out of the Metro onto Gotgatan.


The next two days …

The next two days were spent hiking around the Abisko area on the many trails. While sitting having coffee at the lodge, who should walk in but Kim Madsen, one of our Danish buddies who helped us get on track the first day. What a pleasant surprise! Gullvi was having a problem with a nasty blister, so she rested while Kim and I walked through the woods to the campsite where he and Bo had stayed the previous night. It was close to one of the seven meditation benches placed at scenic overlooks in the national park. We hiked next to a roaring river, which catapulted around immense boulders to produce a series of powerful waterfalls, spraying water into the air as it flowed along a channel carved by years of erosion.

At places, the trail became so marshy that we had to walk on wooden planks. On either side the forest was a fairyland of light green ferns (a delicate type I had never seen before), tall birches, purplish pink wildflowers, and a variety of brightly-colored mushrooms. The higher we walked the more spectacular the river became, rushing and crashing over the rocks. We looked down to the shore from the first meditation spot and there was Bo with his feet dangling in the freezing water. Down we ran. It was a terrific campsite! Bo proudly showed me his cook stove (Triangria), then we had a collective hug and I left. Several minutes later I turned and waved from a high outcropping. I could see them way down below, wading knee-deep in the water. Brrrr.

Upon returning I walked across a small bridge and stood watching the river. The water churned as it raced down the deep channel and under the bridge, continuing into a much narrower hole, like a tunnel. Its power was tremendous as it forced itself into the hole. It reminded me of the popular blowhole at Acadia National Park in Maine.

That evening, after a meal of vegetables and reindeer meat (my first…and last), we sat by a fire that burned in a beautiful modern fireplace, and talked with hikers from all over Europe. We had a perfect view of the largest of the many lakes in the park. Just before sunset I took a walk in the woods and came across an area where environmental groups were calculating the amount of CO2 exchanged between the birch forest and the atmosphere. It had been roped off with warnings not to disturb. Returning, I sat on the porch and watched the sunset. (click here for pictures)

We were greeted with heavy fog …

We were greeted with heavy fog and mist, which kept the rocks wet and slippery and the trail treacherous. Again, it was poorly marked. Half the time it was little more than a stream, but that was fine with me, because the sun came out and it became very hot. We stopped at a small winter hut and forded several streams still swollen from spring runoff. After eating a lunch of bread and cheese near bushes of cloudberries—sweet yellow berries in a cluster of three, a local delicacy—we decided to take another hike up to a small alpine lake, Troll Lake (Trollsjon) through the beautiful Valley of Karkevagge. It was quite a bushwack to reach the trail, which was steep and rocky. I really appreciated the many small streams where I could wet my bandana to keep cool, and drink as much water as I wanted without fear of its being contaminated. Never had I seen such sparkling water and such lush vegetation. On none of my hikes did I have to carry a large canteen. I just kept filling up my small water bottle at every stream.

Many hikers were out to experience the perfect weather. I understand that it’s a rarity in this part of Sweden in the summer. Seems that winter is “the season.” By the time we’d worked our way up the trail and gawked at the unusual rock formations that seemed to have just tumbled haphazardly into the valley, I was ready for a swim. I put my feet in and out…abruptly. After a few moments I couldn’t even feel them! So much for the swim.


On the way down we looked more carefully at the massive rocks that covered the valley. Some were rounded and wore a mantle of moss and grass. Others seemed cut at sharp angles, stark and shiny black. I was reminded of Stonehenge gone wild, or the Badlands of South Dakota. We met several joggers with heavy packs (were they crazy?), which didn’t make us feel any better about our aching feet. But we made it down and headed for the railway station. It was a mile away and we’d have three hours to wait when we got there, so we stood on the highway between Narvik and Kiruna and put out our thumbs. A beautiful young woman picked us up, took pity on us, and drove us all the way to Abisko, the hostel that was our destination. Another angel from heaven. There we found a double room with bath. After dinner in the spacious dining room, we sat on one of the high verandas and watched the sun set.(click here for pictures)

The day we started our hike …

The day we started our hike was an adventure in itself. We arrived early at the bus stop, but when no bus appeared we went into the depot only to discover that the bus was leaving from the railroad station, and was probably already gone. And the next one would not come ‘til noon. The agent was very concerned and apologetic, but there was nothing to do but run like mad toward the highway, hoping to hitch a ride. We got slightly lost ducking between old buildings and trying to find the highway, but suddenly Gullvi spotted a bus way down below in what we were to discover was the railroad station entrance. We started waving our arms and running, yelling like a couple of crazies. No way could we cut off and go down the hill, because of a high fence. Instead, we had to go around the long way. Breathless, we arrived to see the driver standing in front of the bus with a big smile and the greeting, “I thought you’d be coming, so I waited. The agent from the bus station called and said two ladies were in distress. I have a sixth sense.” And a big heart. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus!

When we reached Bjorkliden Fjallby we stopped at the Hotel Fjallet and talked with a guide about our trail. The day was cold and foggy and the directions were anything but clear. Nor were the markers. A normal trail, unmarked in spots, and a winter trail shown by two red markers (like a slender cross) atop a tall pole. This was probably a ski trail in winter and went up and over a lot of residual snow. We even found another trail intersecting these two. But the hiking suited me fine, since it was cold. Rushing brooks and wildflowers abounded, and before we knew it we were at the foot of a tremendous ice field that stretched further than we were willing to go. There were no footprints and without ice axes it looked pretty dangerous. We were definitely lost, and even with our compass, were unsure of which way to go. Just as all seemed lost two figures appeared in the mist. Kim Madsen and Bo Mortensen, chemical engineers from Denmark, who took us under their wing. Together, we made it through several ice fields and over lots of jagged rocks to the summit. How grateful we were to our new friends! They went off to set up camp (it would not be the last time we’d meet), but we headed for a bright red cabin, Laktatjakka, for the most luxurious stay I’ve ever had in any mountain hut. A charming young hostess, a sauna, a fancy meal served with wine, and my second experience with the midnight sun. Pure delight.(click here for pictures)

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© 2025 Meg Noble Peterson